Monday, November 19, 2007

Democrat Party Staged Debate

What a stunning Democrat Party debate in Las Vegas... Some needy Screen Writers on strike must have written the scripts for CNN and the candidates. Wolf Blitzer avoided any difficult questions and appeared to pander to Clinton while avoiding anything that would comprimise her nomination.

The Clinton News Network (CNN) is really bending over backwards to get their candidate on the ticket. It's shameful how any news organization places their personal interests ahead of the factual and accurate representation of reporting the news.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Welcome to the Political Commentary

This blog is just a way to publish political information that affects the People of the United States of America. Some in Congress and the Executive Branch may recognize this phrase in some document they heard about called the United States Constitution.

In any case, the U.S. news media is heavily biased and report everything from their leftist viewpoint. Here's my small little blog to publish the anti-leftist view which is more inline with the majority of the citizens of the United States.