Sunday, September 18, 2016

The Main Stream Media Dark Age

This is the Dark Age for the Main Stream Media. Their bias has become so apparent to most people, everything reported is a political filter toward one side and the distrust has increased dramatically.

In this Presidential election, CNN has become an extension of the Clinton campaign and doing everything they can to put a negative light on Donald Trump. They throw every conjured negative at Trump with little or no effect.

Clinton's support continue to erode which is not too surprising given she has so much baggage and nobody trusts her. Can you name a person that has had more scandals than Bill and Hillary Clinton? The Clinton Foundation just reeks of a money laundering scheme and pay-to-play for access to the State Department when she was the Secretary of State. Then when you look for Clinton's accomplishments, they are non-existent. Let's enumerate some of them:

1 - The Russian reset button - complete failure and Russia is more aggressive
2 - Libya policy - complete failure with a country in chaos
3 - North African policy - complete failure that has extended terrorism
4 - Iraq policy - complete failure resulting in ISIS occupation
5 - Iran policy - complete failure with Iran advancing toward nuclear state
6 - Syrian policy - complete failure with ethnic and religious purging occurring

The main stream media seems to ignore all of these policy failures and all they can attempt to do is paint Trump negatively. It is this type of behavior that is making them irrelevant with the masses.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Prosecutor Tyranny

Wisconsin Conservatives have experienced prosecutor tyranny with so-called John Doe investigations.  Armed police swarmed premises, confiscated personal property, and arrested Wisconsin citizens while prohibiting due process rights.  It is almost unbelievable that this occurred in the United States, but it did and there must be consequences to the government officials responsible for such conduct.

Wisconsin Reporter ( has been one of the only news organizations investigating the abuse of power.  It is clearly an overreach of prosecutorial power and violations of Constitutional Rights as spelled out by the Federal Judge that ordered a halt to the rogue investigations.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Economy

Today, I drove my daughter to a birthday party at a gym in a business park. I could not believe the number of "for sale" and "for lease" in front of many of the small businesses. At least 40% of the buildings had a sign. These all seem to have appeared within the last 4 months. This is probably the best example of the negative economic impact of Obama policies and the resulting lackluster US economy.

Unfortunately, there is no sign of any policy changes that would improve the US economy in the next four years. This is the lost decade for the US.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Fiscal Cliff

How can anybody have confidence that the Obama Administration will take effective actions to avoid the looming fiscal cliff if they won't even pass a federal budget.  The massive spending that has been occurring dwarfs any tax revenue that would be collected by increasing the taxes for the highest tax payers and high income, job producing citizens.  There is a serious lack of will and leadership in Washington D.C. and the American people are about to find out what desperation and pain fiscal irresponsibility will lead them.

Gov. Walker Defers Obamacare

Gov. Walker executed his decision to use the explicit verbiage of the law to not implement the Healthcare Exchanges in Wisconsin.  This is a welcome move by many people and businesses in Wisconsin.  This will result in Wisconsin remaining more competitive for attracting businesses and jobs to the state.  It will be interesting to see how many other Governors take the same path as Obamacare is unpopular for most of the States.

The Benghazi Cover up

Every American should be appalled by the cover up of the events that happened with the American Embassy attack in Benghazi, Libya where our Ambassador and three other Americans were killed.  The failure to provide additional security before 9/11/2012 and the subsequent lies about the attack being caused by some anti-Muslim video show outright contempt for the American public.  This is a cover up that is larger that Watergate and needs to be investigated and reported as such.

It is clear that the cover up extends to the highest members of the Obama Administration.  

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Conservative Enthusiasm

I see the Conservative enthusiasm continuing here in Wisconsin from the re-election of Gov. Scott Walker and right through the November election.  Even in the Liberal insanity of Dane County, there are more vocal Conservatives than I've ever seen since living in Wisconsin.  The number of Romney/Ryan yard signs also gives one the feedback of the increased frustration with the Left and support for fiscal sanity.